Christmas Club Accounts

Haven’t you always wanted to be in a club? Join the Bank of Jamestown
Christmas Club!
We make it easy for you, you can deposit any amount, any time with the maximum balance not exceeding $5,000. You can also take advantage of having money automatically transferred to the Christmas Savings out of another savings or checking account on a regular basis. We mail a check out each year the first week of October for the balance in the account. This is just in time for Christmas shopping or to help pay your property taxes. The accounts are single ownership but you are welcome to add someone as “Paid on Death” to the account. This Christmas savings account draws an interest rate of 1.00% Annual Percentage Yield. The interest is paid one time each year on September 30th.
After we mail out the checks you can start depositing money for the next year into that same account, so no more having to open a different account each year. Call or come visit us today to inquire about or open your Christmas Club Savings Account.